This beautiful photograph was taken on Saturday, November 23rd at the Art Walk Event in Montevallo, Alabama. Present are the Youth dancers for DRUM the Program, Amber Underwood, Sahi On Ko Djony Drummers, and myself, Elvie Schooley.
We began our journey towards this production in September 2019. We started out with hosting a bi-monthly family drum and dance class on Sundays. We invited any and everyone who wanted to join our community to attend. The happy faces that you see in the photograph came and fell in love with the magic of West African drum and dance. Talk about encouragement to continue the path forward in meeting the expressed need for a community cultural arts program. We were inspired. It is in these moments of implementation that all the sacrifices of time energy and resources become worth it. You see it was not the grand production that filled the cup with joy, but the journey along the way to the stage. In the process of putting together this performance the Mission and Vision of DRUM the Program was affirmed.
Our programming provides Social and Emotional development. For the Art Walk event we taught the music, dance, and song of the rhythms Sofa and Djolie (Yo’le). We delivered the choreography of the music and dance. What we observed after that was the organic processes of group dynamics and the emergence of natural talent and leadership within the company. Youth who demonstrated an understanding of the music and dance stepped up to share their knowledge with their peers. Our loose approach served to build confidence levels, create bonds within the group, and provided what we call the mirror effect. The mirror effect is a communication tool. The tool serves to build confidence in all parties involved.
The Social-Emotional Learning skill of “Sense of Belonging” is the need for youth to feel connected and valued as members of a community which extends to the family unit, school, and church. It is imperative to the healthy growth and development of youth that a Sense of Belonging is present in their lives. The lack of a Sense of Belonging leads to depression, anxiety, and loneliness. There are far too many stories in the media of youth choosing to end their lives because of depression and isolation. We create an environment of intentional space assuring a Sense of Belonging.
Beginning January 21st, 2020, we will be launching our fourteen-week After School platform in Shelby County, Alabama. We will be serving two communities. On Tuesday’s sessions will be held at the DRUM the Program Barn in Montevallo. On Thursday’s sessions will be held in Alabaster at the Alliance Community Development Resource Center on Mt Olive Rd. All classes are 3:45 to 5:30. Students in the After School Program will perform on Saturday, May 2nd during the first annual DRUM the Program Fund Raising Gala for parents, sponsors and community members.
Registration is FREE and class space is limited to 20 students per location. The true cost is $450 per child. Your sponsorship will cover the cost of artistic teaching staff, art supplies, transportation, snacks, and costumes. We are a 501c3 nonprofit and your donation is tax deductible.
Join us as we bring relevant cultural arts programming to the community of Shelby County. The services that we provide impact Social-Emotional development and shapes the life of a child. What we deliver are life changing tools that impact health, well-being, confidence, and future direction of a child. Simplify our efforts and sponsor one child with a $450 contribution. The stability and forward direction of our youth are our responsibility. If you are not financially able to contribute consider sharing this information with your employer or others who can contribute.
Please visit the rest of our website for more information, to register your child, to contribute, and to read about the amazing work we are achieving in Alabama. Follow us on all social media platforms.